Wednesday, 16 April 2014



The spicy, pungent underground rhizome of the ginger plant is firm with a striated texture. It may be yellow,  white or red, depending on the variety, and is covered with a thin or thick brownish skin, depending on whether the plant was harvested mature or young.If you're in the market for a healthy spice, pick up some ginger. Ginger's benefits are many and varied - it:
  1. Alleviates nausea and motion sickness
  2. Relieves congestion
  3. Reduces inflammation
  4. Reduces the risk of blood clots
  5. Provides a pleasant "warming" sensation against winter chills.
  6. Nausea and motion sickness: Ginger is well known for its ability to ease nausea, and it’s helpful for motion and sea sickness. Women suffering from morning sickness were given beverages with ginger during the first trimester of pregnancy, and when compared with women given a placebo, ginger alleviated the nausea in a large majority of the cases.

    7.      Diabetes complications: Studies show ginger may reduce urine protein levels, decrease water intake and urine output, and reverse proteinuria, which is kidney damage caused by too much protein in the urine. Ginger may also protect nerves in diabetics and lower blood fat levels. “Ginger can help increase circulation, thin blood, and lower both blood pressure and cholesterol,” says author Steelsmith. 

    8.      Arthritis: A placebo-controlled, double-blind, crossover study published in the journal Osteoarthritis Cartilage found patients with painful arthritis in the knee who were given ginger vs. a placebo experienced significantly less pain and loss of movement compared to those taking the placebo.

    9.      Cold and flu: Chinese medicine practitioners commonly prescribe ginger to treat symptoms of colds and flu. The root acts as an antihistamine and decongestant, two cold-easing effects that can help with symptoms. 
A simple way to incorporate ginger into your diet is to make fresh ginger tea: add about one half teaspoon of grated ginger root to eight ounces of boiling water. You can also eat candied or pickled ginger or honey-based ginger syrups - or try this recipe, which includes ginger.

1 comment:

  1. Homeopathy has used ginger for the past hundred years or so.
    As a homeopath, I would use it in potentized form for the vomiting of old drunkards and for diarrhea from drinking bad or impure water. It is also known to cure colic and diarrhea caused by eating melons, particularly cantaloupes.
