Wednesday 15 April 2015

Fasting & Your health

-Fasting is much more than simply not eaing.
-Fasting is a science as well as arts.
- Fasting means total abstinence from all food for definite period of time.
-It affects the psychological and emotional aspects of our lives.
- In religious terms it may mean abstinence from certain food on certain holy days.
- Some people are thinking that fasting is equivalent to starvation. Those are entirely wrong.
- Starvation starts when abstinence is carried beyond the time when these stored reserves are used up.
-In starvation there is drop of dangerously at low level.
- water fasting: its technically means that they were giving  drinking water only.
- They are going on fast in which they were give up everything except water.
- Vegetables or fruit juice fast: means that they are giving up everything except fruit or vegetable juice.
- Partial fast: it is any form of fasting where individuals put on  extremely limiting conditions what they are eating.

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