Wednesday 15 April 2015

Fasting & Your health

-Fasting is much more than simply not eaing.
-Fasting is a science as well as arts.
- Fasting means total abstinence from all food for definite period of time.
-It affects the psychological and emotional aspects of our lives.
- In religious terms it may mean abstinence from certain food on certain holy days.
- Some people are thinking that fasting is equivalent to starvation. Those are entirely wrong.
- Starvation starts when abstinence is carried beyond the time when these stored reserves are used up.
-In starvation there is drop of dangerously at low level.
- water fasting: its technically means that they were giving  drinking water only.
- They are going on fast in which they were give up everything except water.
- Vegetables or fruit juice fast: means that they are giving up everything except fruit or vegetable juice.
- Partial fast: it is any form of fasting where individuals put on  extremely limiting conditions what they are eating.

Sunday 22 March 2015

World Water Day

Facts about the water crisis

- Roughly 75% of all industrial water withdrawals are used for energy production.
- There are 658 million people living without access to water in Africa.
- By 2035, the global energy demand is projected to grow by more than one-third.
Diarrhoea caused by inadequate drinking water, sanitation and hand hygiene kills an estimated 842,000 people every year globally, which is 2,300 people per day.
- 750 million people lack access to clean water, which is over double the population of the United States.
- The water crisis is the number one global risk based on impact to society (as a measure of devastation) and the eighth global risk based on likelihood (likelihood of occurring within ten years), according to the World Economic Forum.
- 82% of those who lack access to improved water live in rural areas, while 18% live in urban areas.

Sunday 11 January 2015

Causes of Prolonged Hiccups

  • Eating food too quickly can cause a person to ingest a lot of air, thus giving rise to hiccups.
  • Eating too much, especially fatty foods or drinking excessive alcohol or carbonated drinks can irritate the diaphragm. This makes it more likely to suffer from hiccups.
  • Brain tumors associated with the brain stem and strokes are also thought to cause prolonged hiccups.
  • Certain chronic medical issues such as renal failure have been said to cause hiccups.
  • Brain diseases such as meningitis, encephalitis, and trauma to the brain is said to cause hiccups.
  • Prolonged hiccups may follow after damage to the phrenic nerve or the vagus nerve.
  • Even Some medications are known to cause prolonged hiccups.Dangerous fumes may also cause prolonged hiccups. 
  • Infants commonly start hiccupping after coughing or crying. 
  • Lastly, excessive anxiety and stressful situations can trigger long-term as well as short-term hiccups.

Saturday 3 January 2015